- Types of Programming Language
- What is Python ?Advantage & Disadvantage of Python
- Application & Scope of Python
- Version of Python
- Working with different Python IDE in different Mode
- Writing First Program & Executing in Python IDLE & in JupyterNotebook
- Understanding I/O in Python
- Tokens
- Keyword & Identifiers
- Naming Rules of Identifiers
- Understanding Variable , Multi Assignments and Dynamic Typing
- Literals
- Escape Sequence Character
- Expressions, Statement & Comments
- Blocks & Indentation
- What is Data Type and its type
- Type Casting
- Understanding Mutable & Immutable Types
- Operators&Expressions
- Operators Precedence
- Types of Error
- Understanding all topic via Programming (Minimum 15 Programs)
- Types of statement in python
- Sequence Flow Control
- Conditional Statements
- Understanding The range() function
- Iteration/ Looping Statements
- Loop else Statement
- Nested Loop
- break , continue & pass keyword
- Understanding all topic via Programming (Minimum 40 Programs)
- What is List ?
- List Creating Ways & Indexing of List
- List Traversing Ways
- List Operators
- List Slicing
- Commonly Used Functions& Methods of List
- Nested List
- Understanding all topic via Programming (Minimum 30 Programs)
- What is Dictionaries and its structure?
- Dictionaries Creating Ways
- Accessing element of dictionaries
- Dictionaries Traversing Ways
- Adding Single and Multiple value to dictionaries during run time
- Working of Membership Operator on dictionaries
- Commonly Used Function and Methods of Dictionary
- Prove that dictionary key is Immutable and Unique
- Understanding all topic via Programming (Minimum 15 Programs)
- Mini Project using all Concept till we have studied.
- Data and its purpose & importance of data
- structured and unstructured data,
- data processing cycle
- basic statistical methods for understanding data - mean, median, mode, standard deviation and variance.
- Introduction to NumPy library,
- NumPy arrays and their advantage
- NumPy attributes,
- creation of NumPy arrays
- indexing, slicing, and iteration
- concatenating and splitting array
- Arithmetic operations on one dimensional and two dimensional arrays.
- Calculating max, min, count, sum, mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance on NumPy arrays
- Understanding all topic via Programming (Minimum 35 Programs)
- Purpose of DBMS& Database Model
- The relational model Terminology& Keys
- Introduction to MYSQL Databases System&Starting MYSQL
- MYSQL and SQL&Classification of SQL Command
- SQL Data Types & Literals
- NULL Values & Comments
- SHOW & USE Command
- Column Alias
- Operators in SQL
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Range Operators
- List Operators
- Like Operators
- Searching NULL Values
- ORDER BY Clause
- SQL Data Types
- Understanding all topic via query (Minimum 50 query)
- Creating Database &Tables
- SQL Constraints
- Inserting Record
- Updating Record
- Deleting Record
- Adding Column ,Removing Column and Changing Column Name
- Removing Database & Table
- Understanding all topic via query (Minimum 50 query)
Introduction to Computer Organization
- Introduction to computers and computing
- Evolution of computing devices
- Functioning components of a Computer system and their interconnections
- Types of Computer Memory & Units of memory
- Data deletion, its recovery and related security concerns.
- What Software and types of software.
Emerging Trends
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing,
- Immersive experience (AR, VR), Robotics
- Big data and its characteristics
- Internet of Things (IoT), Sensors, Smart cities
- Cloud Computing and Cloud Services (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS)
- Grid Computing,
- Block chain technology.