- Generation of Programming
- Programming Paradigms
- Features of Object Oriented
- Applications of Object Oriented Programming
- Merit & Demerit of OOP
- Characteristics of C++& Uses of C++
- Writing the First C++ Program
- Compiling and Executing C++ Program
Object Oriented Programming with C++
- Tokens , Character Using Comments
- Keywords & Identifiers
- Naming Rules of Identifiers
- Data Types
- Variables & Constants
- Type Casting
- Input/Output Statements in C++
- Operators & its Type
- Operators Precedence
- Conditional Statement
- Iterative / Loop Statements
- break continue & goto Statements
- Purpose of Function
- Function Definition, Prototype &Calling
- Non Parameterized & Parameterized
- Understanding Return Statement
- Format of Function
- Call By Value & Call By Reference
- Scope of Variables
- Storage Classes
- Recursive Functions & Types of Recursion
- Recursion V/S Iteration
- Commonly Used Header Files & Library Function in C++
- Introduction to Array
- Declaration of One D Arrays
- Dynamic Initialization of One D Array
- Operations on One D Arrays
- Passing Array to Function
- Two-Dimensional Arrays
- Dynamic Initialization of Two D Array
- Operations on Two D Array
- Passing Two-dimensional Arrays to Function
- Reading & Writing Strings
- Suppressing Input
- String Taxonomy
- Operations on Strings
- Arrays of Strings
- Introductions to Pointers
- Declaring Pointer Variables
- Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic
- Null & Generic Pointers
- Passing Arguments to Function Using Pointers
- Function Pointers & Array of Function Pointers
- Pointer and Arrays
- Pointers and Strings
- Arrays of Pointers
- Pointers and 2D& 3D Arrays
- Passing an Array to a Function
- Difference Between Array Name and Pointer
- Pointers to Pointers
- Memory Allocation in C Programs
- Drawbacks of Pointers
- Introduction to Structure
- Structure Declaration&Accessing the Members of a Structure
- Initialization of Structures
- typedef Declarations
- Copying and Comparing Structures
- Nested Structures
- Arrays of Structures
- Structures and Functions
- Self-Referential Structures
- Introduction to Unions
- Unions Declaration&Accessing the Members of a Structure
- Arrays of Union Variables
- Union inside Structure &Structure inside Unions
- Enumerated Data Type
- Introduction to Class
- Class Declaration & Creating Objects
- Access Specifies & Accessing Object Members
- Member Functions Defining Ways
- Getter & Setter Functions
- Inline Member Function
- static Keyword
- Array of Objects
- Arrays & Pointer Within Class
- Dynamic Memory Allocation For Array of Objects
- Passing Object as a Function Arguments & returning Object
- this Pointer
- Pointers and Class Members
- Constant Members
- Friend Function & Friend Class
- Local Class ,Empty Class & Nested Class
- Anonymous Objects & Anonymous Classes
- Function Overloading
- Introduction to Constructor
- Types of Constructors
- Constructor With Default Value
- Constructor Overloading
- Destructors
- Object Copy
- Constant Objects
- Purpose of Inheritance
- Understanding Base Class & Derived Class
- Types of Inheritance
- Understanding Access Specifies
- Constructors & Destructors In Derived Classes
- Ambiguity in Multiple Inheritances
- Multi-Path Inheritance
- Virtual Base Classes&Object Slicing
- Pointers to Derived Class
- Run-Time Polymorphism
- Virtual Functions & Pure Virtual Functions
- Abstract Base Classes&Concept of Vtables
- Virtual Construction and Destructors
- Understanding IS-A & HAS-A Relationship
- Purpose of Operator Overloading
- Syntax for Operator Overloading
- Overloading Unary Operators
- Overloading Binary Operators
- Overloading Special Operators
- Type Conversion
- Conversion from Basic to Class Type
- Understanding Execution Handling
- try & catch Block
- Multiple Catch &Generalized Exceptions
- throw Keyword &Rethrowing Exception
- User Defined Exception
- Handling Uncaught Exceptions
- Standard Exceptions
- Purpose of Data File Handling
- Understanding Streams & File Stream Class
- Steps required for Working on File
- Understanding File Mode
- Ways of Read Data From Files & Writing Data to Files
- Detecting the End-of-file
- File Pointers and Their Manipulators
- Binary File & Its Operation
- Error Handling During File Operations
- Accepting command Line arguments
- Use of Templates
- Function Templates&Class Template
- Class Templates and Friend function
- Templates and Static Variables in C++
- Class Templates and inheritance
- Class Template With Operator Overloading